Latest Access Issues
Vindolanda The landowner does not permit commercial instruction or guiding. The size of the venue and absence of belays make it unsuitable for large groups. Raptors have been reported as nesting here. The landowner does place permitted access restrictions on an annual basis, so check the Natural England access maps and BMC RAD for restrictions. If you appear to be disturbing nesting birds then leave.
Kyloe In (Dues Heugh) Shooting takes place in this woodland,check at the gate for any signs warning of this.Keep the gate clear at all times, so that a tractor and trailer can freely turn in from the road. Park off the tarmac and on one side of the road only.
A notice from the woodland management company has been posted on the gate. It reads:
"Deerstalking takes place within this woodland on a regular basis as part of ongoing forestry management activity.
When the stalker is onsite a warning notice will be erected here and for your own safety access to the woodland will be prohibited."
Shaftoe Please respect the 10 mph speed limit at the cottages, the track is not a right of way for vehicles and residents of the cottages have every right to ask the landowner to ban cars. Also, at the farmer's request, parking is by the wall after the 1st cattle grid NOT by the pond.
Church Rock