Difference between revisions of "Module:TypeToColor"

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Latest revision as of 06:17, 2 August 2020

Documentation for this module may be created at Module:TypeToColor/doc

local p = {}

function p.convert( frame )
	return p.convertImpl(frame.args[1])

function p.convertImpl(type)
	type = type:lower()
	local types = {
		['do'] = '808080',
		around = '800080',
		buy = '008080',
		city = '0000FF',
		drink = '000000',
		eat = 'D2691E',
		go = 'A52A2A',
		listing = '228B22',
		other = '228B22',
		see = '4682B4',
		sleep = '000080',
		vicinity = '800000',
		view = '4169E1',

		launchsite = 'FF8C00',

	local result = types[type]
	if result then
		return result
	-- Deprecated usage - trace it
	types = {
		black = '000000',
		blue = '0000FF',
		brown = 'A52A2A',
		chocolate = 'D2691E',
		forestgreen = '228B22',
		gold = 'FFD700',
		gray = '808080',
		grey = '808080',
		lime = 'BFFF00',
		magenta = 'FF00FF',
		maroon = '800000',
		mediumaquamarine = '66CDAA',
		navy = '000080',
		orange = 'FFA500',
		plum = 'DDA0DD',
		purple = '800080',
		red = 'FF0000',
		royalblue = '4169E1',
		silver = 'C0C0C0',
		steelblue = '4682B4',
		teal = '008080',

	local result = types[type]
	if result then
		return result --  .. '[[category:Fixme TypeToColor]]'

	return 'C0C0C0' -- .. '[[category:Fixme TypeToColor Unknown]]'

return p