Northumbrian Climbing Guide

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Thrum Mill
The routes are described from left to right.
1  Hooker 10m E4 6b 
Climb the left ar? of the crag and climb round a small roof at the top.
2  Joint Effort 10m E1 5c 
Start right of Hooker, up a groove, then up the wall passing the left end of a larger roof to ledges.
3  The Final Cut E4 5c 
Start right of Joint Effort and pull onto the wall. Move up right and climb the wall just left of a faint rib to pull round the right side of the larger roof and gain ledges.
4  Lethal Addiction 10m E3 5c 
Start right of The Final Cut and make a horrible mantel to gain the left side of a groove. Up this pulling over roofs to finish.
5  Withdrawal Symptoms 10m E2 5b 
The wall right of Lethal Addiction passing a flake near the top.
6  Crack Attack 10m S 4a 
The corner to the right of Withdrawal Symptoms. The wall just left of this can also be climbed at a similar standard.