Northumbrian Climbing Guide

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Jack Rock
1  Bruin 10m HS  
2  Straight Up 9m S  
3  Pause and Ponder 15m VS 4c  Steve Nagy, late on a perfect summers evening
4  The Poacher 11m E1 5b  John Earl The Poacher,turned gamekeeper?
6  The Little Mermaid 15m E5 6b 
Paul Smith (May 1999)
5  Greenwells Glory 17m E3 5c 
7  A Drier Flyer 15m HVS 5b 
Malcolm Lowerson (2001)
8  The Angler 15m E3 5c 
9  The Butcher 20m E3 5c  John Earl doing it with style
10  The Little Mermaid 15m E5 6b 
11  Dry Fly Corner 12m VS 4c 
12  Humpback 12m E1 5b 
13  Brown Trout 10m S  
14  Stickleback 10m S  
15  High Board 18m HS   An unknown climber at the end of the traverse, about to get onto the spectacular diving board. The rope going to the top of the crag to the climbers right is from the first ascent of A Big Splash
16  Jack of all Trades 14m E2 5c 
Dave Turnbull (31 December 1988)
17  The Plummet 12m E2 5b 
18  A Big Splash 14m E5 6b  Steve gratefully accepting the offer of a new line from Jack Rock guru Malcolm Lowerson
19  Devil's Disciple 15m HVS 5b 
20  Devil's Wedge 15m VS 4c 
21  Wet Fly 15m HVS 5a  
22  Criss Cross 18m MVS 4c 
23  Ancient Briton 12m E2 5b 
24  Jack of all Trades 14m E2 5c 
25  Salmon Leap Variation 10m VS 5a 
26  Salmon Leap 15m VS 5a 
27  Kelt 11m HS 4c 
28  Sardine Sandwich 10m E1 5b 
29  Deep Fry 10m HS 4c 
30  Fish Supper 10m HS 4c 
31  Blazin' Aces 10m E1 5b 
32  Gibbet 10m E2 5b 
33  Hanging Tree 10m HVS 5b 
34  Minnow 10m HS  
35  Boreal Edge 6m HVS 5b 
36  Smolt 8m HS  
37  Flounder 8m VS 5a 
38  Shark Attack 9m E2 5c 
39  Mouldy Corner 10m VS 4c  
40  Barracuda Roof 12m E4 6a 
41  Breakout 10m E5 6b 
42  Spate Wall 7m HVS 5b 
43  Girdle Traverse 56m HVS 5b 
44  Extension 26m E2 5c