Jack Rock
1 Bruin 10m HS
2 Straight Up 9m S
6 The Little Mermaid 15m E5 6b Paul Smith (May 1999)
5 Greenwells Glory 17m E3 5c
7 A Drier Flyer 15m HVS 5b Malcolm Lowerson (2001)
8 The Angler 15m E3 5c
10 The Little Mermaid 15m E5 6b
11 Dry Fly Corner 12m VS 4c
12 Humpback 12m E1 5b
13 Brown Trout 10m S
14 Stickleback 10m S
16 Jack of all Trades 14m E2 5c Dave Turnbull (31 December 1988)
17 The Plummet 12m E2 5b
19 Devil's Disciple 15m HVS 5b
20 Devil's Wedge 15m VS 4c
22 Criss Cross 18m MVS 4c
23 Ancient Briton 12m E2 5b
24 Jack of all Trades 14m E2 5c
25 Salmon Leap Variation 10m VS 5a
26 Salmon Leap 15m VS 5a
27 Kelt 11m HS 4c
28 Sardine Sandwich 10m E1 5b
29 Deep Fry 10m HS 4c
30 Fish Supper 10m HS 4c
31 Blazin' Aces 10m E1 5b
32 Gibbet 10m E2 5b
33 Hanging Tree 10m HVS 5b
34 Minnow 10m HS
35 Boreal Edge 6m HVS 5b
36 Smolt 8m HS
37 Flounder 8m VS 5a
38 Shark Attack 9m E2 5c
40 Barracuda Roof 12m E4 6a
41 Breakout 10m E5 6b
42 Spate Wall 7m HVS 5b
43 Girdle Traverse 56m HVS 5b
44 Extension 26m E2 5c
© 2003 The Northumbrian Mountaineering Club | Editing and website contact: John Dalrymple |