Hepburn Woods
The following two routes take the main buttress.
Long Lost E5 5c
The left hand line. Mis-spent E5 6a
The central line Jesus Christ Pose 10m E5 6b
Starting in the corner crack (with a small tree growing above you) gain the break/ledge above and make a raising traverse left. Make a long reach out left to a cusp and then friction moves finds you in a hands free standing position. Continue leftwards using undercuts until you reach a large scoop at the top of the crag. Exit left past a small pine tree. Andy Cowley
The next route climbs the boulder on the left.
A Northern Soul E5 6b
The left hand arete of the boulder with a precarious finish. The right hand edge of the boulder provides a testing boulder problem.
© 2003 The Northumbrian Mountaineering Club | Editing and website contact: John Dalrymple |