Northumbrian Climbing Guide

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Lemmington Woods What the symbols
& colours mean
Grid Ref: NU120109   Aspect: W   Problems: 12 
Altitude: 149 mtrs   Walk in: 5 mins   Bouldering quality: * 
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The crag is situated in Lemmington Woods, alongside the disused railway line which lies to the north of the B6341 Alnwick-Rothbury road, 6km south west of Alnwick. Go down the minor road 600 metres north of Corby's Crag and park in the large layby at the bridge. A track on the opposite side of the road leads onto the disused line and thence to the crag in a couple of hundred metres.
A small collection of buttresses in Lemmington Woods, up to 7 metres high, of good quality rock. For a brief period the area was cleared of rhododendrons and shrubs and the climbing was quite good, but the rhododendrons have returned with a vengeance and the problems have become overgrown again. There are a few good problems and one poor route. The main sector takes drainage and needs a long time to dry out, and unless it gets traffic, which it won't, will need cleaning.
Fell Sandstone Carboniferous, Dinantian
One poor VD.
Some good problems, easily accessed. Sadly has become overgrown.
Other interesting stuff:
If you go up the short forestry road opposite the Bonus Boulder, and at the end follow the faint path on the left through the woods and up the hill, you may find a rounded 4 foot high outcrop about 30 metres away to the left. This has a cup and ring mark carved on it with runes carved alongside. The existence of the runes is very rare indeed, and they probably date from the 6th century. There is more information here
All the problems are the work of Bob Smith and J Dalrymple and were discovered during the Autumn of 2003.