Northumbrian Climbing Guide

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Cloudy Crags What the symbols
& colours mean
Grid Ref: NU147135   Aspect: W 
Altitude: 225 mtrs   Walk in: 15 mins 
Click here for StreetMap Right of access under CRoW  
Follow the minor road which leaves the B6341 2km west of Alnwick and after a further 2km park at a gate into a track which goes past piles of rubbish onto the moor. Follow this track past a ramshackle building and then over the moor to the crag.
Cloudy Crags is beside the large MOD early warning golf ball thing on the moors west of Alnwick. It is notable for a very striking sandstone arch, visible from afar. Unfortunately the rock is very poor and, interesting though the crag is, it is not much use for either cragging or bouldering. The boulders on the moor beside the crag aren't much better.
Fell Sandstone Carboniferous, Dinantian