Northumbrian Climbing Guide

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Oxen Wood What the symbols
& colours mean
Grid Ref: NU131314   Aspect: W 
Altitude: 200 mtrs   Walk in: 5 mins   Bouldering quality: ** 
Click here for StreetMap Right of access under CRoW  
Approach on the B6341 Rothbury - Alnwick road.100 metres east of the Banktop crossroads there is a wooden gate on the north side of the road. There is ample parking in the lay-by opposite. Go through the gate and head along a faint path to the nearest rocks.
A west facing group of boulders and outcrops overlooking Oxen and Lemmington Woods.
Fell Sandstone Carboniferous, Dinantian
Mostly solid, but in places tends to stay damp and can be friable.
Access issues:
The land is 'excepted' land, which means that the landowner has succesfully placed restrictions on access. This land is owned by the Duke Of Northumberland and as far as we can see, all his open access land is excepted in this way - according to the CROW website he bans dogs.
There are some scrappy routes on a couple of buttresses low down on the hillside overlooking the wood.
45 problems are listed in the guide, there isn't a lot of scope for more.
The area was developed by the NMC in preparation for the Northumberland Bouldering Guide.