Northumbrian Climbing Guide

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Corby's Bridge What the symbols
& colours mean
Grid Ref: NU126097   Aspect: WNW   Routes: 1   Problems: 10 
Altitude: 150 mtrs   Walk in: 3 mins   Bouldering quality: * 
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Park in a layby at the bridge just south of Corby's Crags (Corby''s Bridge). Cross the fence at it's left hand end and head up through the wood, heading slightly right, for a hundred metres or so to the crag.
A broken outcrop in a deciduous wood on the steep slopes above and to the right of Corby's Bridge
Fell Sandstone Carboniferous, Dinantian
Good rock, but gets very dirty
Access issues:
Take care with the fence, there is no gate.
A couple of good problems close to the road.
Other interesting stuff:
There is an extensive Iron Age/Romano British settlement on the level ground at the top of the crag.
Developed Bob Smith and John Dalrymple in late 2002.