Northumbrian Climbing Guide

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Broomlea Lough (Dove Crag) What the symbols
& colours mean
Grid Ref: NY795697   Aspect: N   Routes: 4   Max Length: 16   Average Length: 14 
Altitude: 0 mtrs   Walk in: 10 mins 
Click here for StreetMap  This crag is in an area designated as an SSSI
Situated about 1km north west of the B6318 Military Road, access is via a public right of way from Moss Kennels to Hadrians Wall, about 1km west of Housteads fort. Then either strike out across the boggy moor (wellies are strongly recommended), or follow the south side of the wall eastwards to the edge of the bog and skirt the bog, passing under a reasonable little bouldering crag en route.
Facing north over the southern shore of Broomlea Lough, this crag consists of a number of steep and often overhanging buttresses composed of rough and sometimes friable sandstone. There are a number of obvious lines, but only the best have been recorded.
Unnamed Sandstone Carboniferous Namurian (Upper Limestone Group)
More must have been done than the 3 described here. There is scope for some very steep stuff on the overhanging buttresses.
No recorded problems.