Northumbrian Climbing Guide

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Queens Crag What the symbols
& colours mean
Grid Ref: NY794706   Aspect: N   Routes: 1 
Altitude: 244 mtrs   Walk in: 15 mins   Route quality: *   Bouldering quality: * 
Click here for StreetMap  This crag is in an area designated as an SSSI
Follow the Military Road (B6318) west to where a gated track runs north from the road to Sewingshields Farm 8 miles west of Chollerford. Park by the woodland copse. The crag is 10 minutes to the west and can be seen from the parking place. Parking and use of the private road is kindly allowed by the farmer - please remain courteous and use the honesty box when parking on his land (£1/car).
About 1 kilometre north of Broomlee Lough Crag and best approached from there.
Unnamed Sandstone Carboniferous Namurian (Upper Limestone Group)
Excellent hard sandstone
Access issues:
An honesty box has been introduced, please leave £1 when parking on the farmers land.
Fine, short routes.
Some brilliant, hard problems