The easiest route is to approach from the western side. From the Thropton - Whittingham road, 1 km north of Cartington Farm, a barely metalled road leads off rightwards, through a gate, past a large wooden hut and towards Cartington Hill. Park somewhere sensible, around where the track goes left and through another gate onto an open field. From here a grassy path goes through the reeds and onto the shoulder of the hillside. disappearing into deep heather and bracken. Carry on through this to a stone wall and follow this up to the crag. There are two other longer routes. The stone wall described above can be reached via a right of way from Callaly. This latter route has the advantage of taking you past the far superior Maiden Chambers, but involves a long thrash across the heather. Finally, mountain bikers can follow the escarpment from Coe Crag, past Long Crag and on to Hard Heugh. |