Northumbrian Climbing Guide

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Goats Buttress What the symbols
& colours mean
Grid Ref: NT985362   Aspect: W   Routes: 6   Max Length: 11   Average Length: 6Warning Total ban 
Altitude: 160 mtrs   Walk in: 10 mins   Route quality: * 
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There is no agreement with the landowner and climbing is currently strictly forbidden. Were climbing allowed, you would get there by following the unclassified road between Milford and Lowick to Roughting Linn and park opposite the farm track. Follow the road south towards Fenton for about 400 metres and the crag lies across a couple of fields on the left.
A compact buttress in a sheltered position in trees and rhododendron bushes.
Fell Sandstone Carboniferous, Dinantian
Access issues:
Total ban!
The first recorded climbs, Cockchafer Crack and Cricket Crack, were done by Bob Hutchinson and John Earl in February 1974. There was no further activity until Steve Blake added The Leaf and Gamekeeper Crack. In 1991 the Smiths and Tim Gallagher poached the last two lines.