Northumbrian Climbing Guide

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Beanley What the symbols
& colours mean
Grid Ref: NU106184   Aspect: N   Routes: 11   Problems: 1   Max Length: 8   Average Length: 7 
Altitude: 140 mtrs   Walk in: 20 mins 
Click here for StreetMap  This crag is in an area designated as an SSSI
1.5km south of Eglingham on the Eglingham - Beanley road a permissive track leads across the moor. Follow this track for around 800 metres to where it swings rightwards, and then walk along the foot of the small scarp on the left to the crag.
A number of Fell Sandstone buttresses situated on Beanley Moor, 1km south of Eglingham. The crag is also known as Homestead Crag from the remains of a homestead beneath the crag. Other outcrops in the vicinity are disappointing and have no worthwhile climbing..
Fell Sandstone Carboniferous, Dinantian
Very good but lichenous
Short, but the best ones are very good.
A couple of roofs on solid rock, but not really worth the walk.
Other interesting stuff:
The Ringses is the remains of a 2000-year-old Iron Age settlement and can be seen to the left of the approach track, a plaque at the side of the track has more details. The rectangular earthworks on the moor below the crag are all that remain of a Roman period native farmstead, probably a few hundred years later than the Ringses. The enclosure is made up of a stone and earth bank inside a ditch which forms a rectangular enclosure. Inside the enclosure, the ruined remains of three stone-walled round houses are visible. The remains of the stone wall which meets the crag between Georges and Homestead buttresses looks to be very old, on account of the unusually large block used in it's construction. From the top of the crag it can be seen to form a semicircular enclosure. It may well be associated with the farmstead,
The crag was originally developed by George and Chris Ridge, resulting in the lines on Georges Buttress. The remaining buttresses were developed by John Dalrymple & Steve Orrell during the ever-dry summer of 2003. Many of these routes may have been climbed before, but there is no record.