Cragend is the crag on the National Trust Cragside estate which can be seen just above the Weldon Bridge - Rothbury road. It is about 400 metres long and stands on a good path which runs from the Cragend quarry back towards Cragside House. Although the crag is on a wooded hillside, the recent clearance of rhododendrons has opened the aspect out a lot and the trees don't interfere with things much. The rock is excellent and clean in the bouldering regions and the landings are good. The crags and boulders underneath the path are extensive and certainly worth investigation. The Cragend car park is in a disused quarry which has some very nice looking walls in it which would give a lot of hard problems. The trouble is that it's all on NT land and they probably wouldn't take kindly to brushing and chalk, and worse still you have to pay for entry. If it wasn't for that it would be an excellent crag.
There are lots of other outcrops on the estate, particularly a large promising looking one on the footpath between The Tarn and the adventure playground. This last one should be avoided as it is far too much in the public eye. The other outcrops are either part of the landscaping of the estate or have no realistic access through the rhododendrums.
Fell Sandstone
Carboniferous, Dinantian Excellent, hard and clean.
Access issues:
Climbing is has not been officially approved. The current recommendation is that if you are a National Trust member, just go ahead and use the crag on the Gun Walk. Avoid all other crags. Ensure that you clean off chalk afterwards and don't clear ANY vegetation - this is a landscaped area. If you aren't an NT member then we can't offer any advice really.
No recorded routes.
An excellent and extensive bouldering crag
Other interesting stuff:
Rather obviously, this is in a huge landscaped garden with lots of industrial history. Much of the crag & boulder field is the result of Armstrongs fixation with dynamite.