Northumbrian Climbing Guide

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Garleigh (Gnarly) Crags What the symbols
& colours mean
Grid Ref: NZ062993   Aspect: NW   Problems: 6 
Altitude: 250 mtrs   Walk in: 20 mins   Bouldering quality: ** 
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From Lordenshaws car park at NZ 053988, which is just off the minor road linking Simonside Forestry Commission carpark to the B6342. Leave teh car park, from where the rocks are clearly visible a mile to the NE and follow the roght of way NE for 50M, then turn right to the crag, crossing a fence.
A fine collection of boulders and outcrops on the exposed open moorland known as Garleigh Moor. Excellent spot for a summers evening.
Fell Sandstone Carboniferous, Dinantian
Good, but sandy and soft after rain so please leave a couple of days to dry after prolonged rain.
Other interesting stuff:
Cup & Ring marks on Garleigh Hill