Northumbrian Climbing Guide

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Bradys Crag What the symbols
& colours mean
Grid Ref: NY939699   Aspect: N   Problems: 7 
Altitude: 200 mtrs   Walk in: 10 mins   Bouldering quality: * 
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Park at the St Oswalds Chapel lay by. Follow the public footpath around the right hand side of the church. Pass through or climb over the derelict gate. Down the hill to your right you will see a red brick structure. Head for this and a stile will become visible beside it. Cross the fence and follow the track to the left past the gorse and the crag will be seen on the right. 5 to 10 minutes from the layby.
Brady’s Crag, is located approximately 600m North of the B6318 Military Road. Not marked on the 1:50,000 series map it is a small sand /gritstone outcrop consisting of a freestanding boulder and a series of small walls extending to the east. It is beautifully situated, the landings on the boulder and wall good (less so on the slabs). It is an ideal evening venue, safe for toddlers and kids – there’s even a small cave. Whilst it’s North facing the boulder and arête are both sheltered and clean. There are a number of other crags/quarries in the vicinity, including what was once a sizable Limestone quarry. None are worth exploiting, or visiting. Brady’s Crag is nowhere steep by contemporary standards, and balance and technique are as useful as strong fingers. All of the problems done thus far are very worthwhile.
Unnamed Sandstone Carboniferous Namurian (Upper Limestone Group)
The rock is extremely coarse but needs to be treated gently. Over brushing will erode it quite rapidly.
Access issues:
Access isn’t likely to be a problem as the crag is adjacent to a public right of way.

No recorded routes.

Other interesting stuff:
An inscribed cross on a sandstone rock at the west end of the crag was found in 1991. It is not possible to date a simple cross like this, and dates of sixth to 18th century have been suggested.
Discovered by Steve Blake in 2005