Lookwide and Carr Edge are two small sandstone crags located at Lookwide approximately 2 km South West of Wallwick on the Roman Wall. Lookwide woods were the first location used by the Scout organisation for an Annual Camp which is commemorated on a memorial in the centre of the woods. The sandstone in and around the woods was likely quarried in Roman times, there being a number of characteristic chisel marks which manifest themselves as four finger slots. Both craglets are of good quality sandstone and would provide an afternoon or evenings entertainment. Facing east and protected by the edge of the woods, Lookwide is particularly sheltered, although it is boggy underfoot. Carr Edge faces North.
Unnamed Sandstone
Carboniferous Namurian (Upper Limestone Group)Good quality sandstone
Access issues:
As yet no difficulties have been encountered. Both crags are close to rights of way and access shouldn't be a problem. However Carr Edge does overlook the farm and permission has not yet been sought. The farmer is unlikely to be used to our kind of presence, so we should tread lightly.
No recorded routes.
For Lookwide it's worth taking a large polythene sheet to keep feet and mats dry. More cleaning would reveal some more problems.
The crags were no doubt discovered by Baden Powell in 1907, but credit for the recent activity is due to Steve Blake who noted the bouldering potential in the summer of 2004 and produced all of the problems described here.