Northumbrian Climbing Guide

Intro Access Accommodation New Routes Map Archaeology Winter NMC homepage

Alphabetical list of crags
Crags shown in red have full guides online, either bouldering, routes or both. The star ratings relate to the best of either type. The colours represent the rocktypes. See here for details.
AidBack Bowden DoorsBack Harbottle CragBeanley
BerryhillBizzleBlaewearieBowden Doors
Boyes QuarryBradys CragBroomlea Lough (Dove Crag)Callaly
Caller Crag & BouldersCallerhuesCarrow Rigg GashCartington
Causey QuarryCawfieldsChurch RockCloudy Crags
CoeCoquet ViewCorbies Fortress (Corbies Crag)Corby's Bridge
Corbys CragsCorbys EastCrag Lough (High Shield Crag)Crag Point
CragendCullernoseCurtis CragDovehole
Drake StoneDunsdaleEast Woodburn (Staniel Heugh)Edlingham
EllisFox HolesGarleigh (Gnarly) CragsGimmerknowe Rocks
Goats ButtressGoatscragGreat DourGreat Wanney
Greenleighton Old QuarryHangmans RockHard HeughHarehope Canyon (Dove Crag)
Harehope QuarryHareshaw LinnHartburn DeneHeckley
HenholeHepburn WoodsHigh CountessHound Dene
Housey CragsHowlerhirstHuelHunterheugh Crag
Jack RockJesmond DeneKeb Crag (Lowshieldgreen Crag)Kyloe In (Dues Heugh)
Kyloe Out (Collar Heugh)Langlee CragsLemmington WoodsLinshiels 1 (Cove Crag)
Linshiels 3 (Long Crag)Little WanneyLookwide & Carr EdgeMaiden Chambers
Main StoneOld StellOxen WoodPaddaburn
Peel CragQueens CragRatcheughRaven Crag - Kyloe
Ravens Crag - BowdenRavensheughRayRedheugh
Rothbury QuarryRothley CragsRumbling KernSandy Crag (Key Heugh)
Selbys CoveShaftoeShip RockShitlington
SimonsideSouth YardhopeSpindlestone HeughStell Crag
Swinburne Old QuarryThe MountThe Tipalt (Collar Heugh Crag)Thrum Mill
Thrunton CragTosson PillarVindolandaWalltown
Whin CragWhite House RocksWhitefield EdgeWhiteheugh