Northumbrian Climbing Guide

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Vindolanda History
The quarry has been used in the past for pegging and scars and rotten stubs Are visible, particularly along horizontal breaks. There was however no evidence of free climbing. The routes recorded are the work of P. Whillance and D. Armstrong who soloed them after cleaning by abseil. This was in the early part of 1982. Visits to he crag in 1991 by Pete Botterill resulted in some worthwhile additions notably the Concave Wall routes, Teflon Effect, False Start, Chariot Of Fire and Mosaic.

First Ascent List

1982TradStarkey's Crack, HVS 5aPete Whillance, D. Armstrong
1982TradDid Those Feet, HVS 5bPete Whillance, D. Armstrong
1982TradSteppin' Out, HVS 5bPete Whillance, D. Armstrong
1982TradBananarama, E1 5cPete Whillance, D. Armstrong
1982TradGiant's Steps, HVS 5aPete Whillance, D. Armstrong
1982TradWild Thing, E1 5cPete Whillance, D. Armstrong
1982TradCurving Crack, S Pete Whillance, D. Armstrong
1982TradAll Along The Watchtower, E1 5aPete Whillance, D. Armstrong
1982TradProblem Wall Right, (no adj grade) 6aPete Whillance, D. Armstrong
1982TradProblem Wall Centre, (no adj grade) 5cPete Whillance, D. Armstrong
1982TradGaul, HVS 5aPete Whillance, D. Armstrong
1982TradCos Its There!, VS 4bPete Whillance, D. Armstrong
1982TradProblem Wall Left, (no adj grade) 5cPete Whillance, D. Armstrong
1982TradTusk, E1 5bPete Whillance, D. Armstrong
1982TradVindolanda, HVS 5aPete Whillance, D. Armstrong
1991TradChariot Of Fire, E2 5cPete Botterill
1991TradMosaic, E3 6bPete Botterill
1991TradFalse Start, E2 6aPete Botterill
1991TradThe Teflon Effect, VS 5aPete Botterill
1991TradSweater, E2 5cPete Botterill
1991TradFlanker, HVS 5aPete Botterill
1991TradJumper, E1 5bPete Botterill
1991TradPullover, S Pete Botterill