Northumbrian Climbing Guide

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Linshiels 3 (Long Crag) History
All of the routes were climbed in the autumn of 1973 by Bob Hutchinson and John Earl accompanied by Hugh Banner and lan Cranston with the exception of Montgomery and Rommel which were added nine years later by Tommy and Bob Smith.

First Ascent List

Autumn 1973TradKhaki Crack, VS John Earl, Bob Hutchinson
Autumn 1973TradA.W.L., MVS Bob Hutchinson, John Earl
Autumn 1973TradPinnacle Face, S Bob Hutchinson, John Earl
Autumn 1973TradShell Shock, E1 Bob Hutchinson, John Earl
Autumn 1973TradThe Deserter, MVS Bob Hutchinson, John Earl
Autumn 1973TradGreen Beret, MS Bob Hutchinson, John Earl
Autumn 1973TradA.R.P., VS Bob Hutchinson, John Earl
Autumn 1973TradAlwinton Annual Show, HVS Bob Hutchinson, John Earl
Autumn 1973TradHowitzer Chimney, S Bob Hutchinson, John Earl
Autumn 1973TradShrapnel Crack, MVS Bob Hutchinson, John Earl
1982TradMontgomery, HVS Tommy Smith, Bob Smith
1982TradRommel, E1 Bob Smith, Tommy Smith