Northumbrian Climbing Guide

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Coe History
Prior to 1968 it is likely that most of the easier lines had been ascended as the crag had been visited occasionally for years, but records of specific routes cannot be traced. In that year Dave Roberts and Allan Austin climbed a number of notable lines including Ravens Buttress, Coe Crag Corner, Hippopotamus and Honeycomb Wall. Roberts returned in 1971 with Ernie Goodyear to climb the excellent Rough Castles Crack and in the same year Hugh Banner added the problematic Neb Crack. The crag lost popularity for many years but in 1984 a few visits by Hugh Harris, John Wallace and Graham Telfer resulted in Cave Wall, Rampart Wall and the large overhang of Orion Roof, albeit with a pre-placed friend. On a sunny evening in 2002, Tim Caterall teetered up the serious Raven Mad and added the obvious finish to Bumblebee Connection to create Worrisome Wasp.

First Ascent List

14 August 1993TradCoex Me Up, HVS 5bSteve Nagy, Jim Pearson