Northumbrian Climbing Guide

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East Buttress
This buttress has a large overhang at half height, on the right of a crack and chimney, with a wall in the left split by a horizontal crack at half height.
Trad30  Y Direct 5m E2 5c New
Climb the Y crack and finish over the overhang and up the wall above.
Simon Litchfield (February 2008)
Far East Buttress
The buttress is split by a central crack with the right wall split by a ledge at half height and with a wall and overhang on the left of the crack.
Trad37  Indian Summer 8m E1 5c New
Start 1m left of Summers End and use a sharp crimp to gain the upper break. Make a very long reach to gain a poor hold and the top, resisting the temptation to use (and escape via) the left arete.
Simon Litchfield (16 July 2008)