Northumbrian Climbing Guide

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B27 Cave Buttress
Boudering  Surface To Air Missile Ungraded 7a New
To the right of Pocket Rocket on cave buttress, climbs the wall to the right from a rounded jug up to a pinchy undercut with the right hand, feet up, drop the clutch and go for the break to an easy top out.
Rick Howard (27 March 10)
Boudering3  5 6b New
An unnamed problem just east of Cave Buttress on the lip of the escarpment, at the RH end if the wall capped by a large block. Easily up the wall to underclings and then a desperate mantel onto the slab above.
Bob Smith (2000ish)
B23 Triple Buttress
Boudering  El Charo 5  New
On a small block further east, but at a similar level as the Cyclops buttress. SS Start under the roof and climb out of the roof and up the face via pockets, slopers and layaways. An excellent problem.
Michael Rose (31 January 2009)