Northumbrian Climbing Guide

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First Wall
The first outcrop of rock at the westem end of the crag, terminated on its right by a chimney full of jammed blocks.
Trad  Padda Chimney 5m D  New
The chimney separating First and Second Walls. Climb over the chockstones then bridge up the outside of the chimney.
SJH Reid (9 November 2006)
Trad  The Secret Six 5m VS 4c New
The wall immediately right of Padda Chimney is climbed via a block in a pod - no bridging!
SJH Reid, C King (9 November 2006)
(With S Baxendale)
Third Wall
Extends from the easy angled slab to the overhanging nose above a ledge on which grows two rowan trees.
Trad  Born Again 8m HS  New
Squirm up the obvious slippery hairy cleft separating Third and Fourth Walls, to pop out through the fringe at the top. More fun than it sounds!
SJH Reid, C King (9 November 2006)
(With S Baxendale)