Northumbrian Climbing Guide

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The furthest left buttress, so named because of the obvious ?Eye? through the projecting hanging ar?. The first route starts 1m right of the left hand end of the wall with a pocket at head height.
Trad  Guess Who's Got A New Shovel 6m E2 5c New
Start as for Helen of Trowel but at the break make technical moves left to jam the flared crack. Highball grade - Font 6a+
Simon Litchfield (27 July 2013)
Trad  Eye Drops 9m E4 5c New
Good climbing up the right hand side of the prominent nose. Start as for Broken Thread. From the left end of the eye use small crimps to move left gain a good undercling. Move up from this (crucial runner in undercling) and continue diagonally up and left, finishing just right of the ar?.
Simon Litchfield (26 September2009)