Northumbrian Climbing Guide

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Boudering12  3+ 6a New
This problem takes a sitting start at the broken flake and climbs direct to a mantle that is a little harder than it looks.
Alan Duncan (June 2005)
Croc Slot Buttress
A short distance right of On The Buses is a buttress which is undercut on its right and side.
Boudering23  Mr Shifta 5 6b New
A low traverse of the Croc Slot boulder. From a sitting start on the small boulder traverse right on small crimps to just right of the large bulge. From there move with difficulty up to the obvious slots and up over the roof to a difficult mantle
Alan Duncan (June 2005)
Boudering24  Croc Slot Direct 4 6a New
Sit start in the scoop at the back of the cave and come straight out to join Croc Slot via a broken sidepull.
Chris Graham (7 October 2007)
Roof Buttress
Further right ? easily identified by the flake in the roof. The flake leads to a desperate looking finish (unclimbed - go get it).
Boudering25  Springside Seat 3+ 6a New
The left side of the roof via a small flake avoids the main challenge in the roof
Chris Graham (7 October 2007)
Boudering26  Reforestation 5+ 6c New
The centre of the roof is crossed via the large flake moving left slightly to a desperate slopey top out and a disconcerting mantle.
Chris Graham (7 October 2007)
Big Buttress
Right again is a big bulging buttress with route-sized objectives.
Boudering29  The Preacher (V6 6b) 5 6b New
The right side of the left arete from a sit start (no crouching please!). Reach out to a shallow pocket and small edge and then up with difficulty to the ledge. Top out easily.
Chris Graham (7 October 2007)
Boudering30  The Teacher 4+ 6b New
The centre of the bulging wall from a hanging start on the lip. Make a difficult move to start and finish easily to top out.
Chris Graham (7 October 2007)
Boudering31  Pepper Don't Preach 6a 6c New
25c. Pepper Don't Preach (V8 6c) R-L traverse of the roof lip from the flutings right of The Teacher across poor slopers to reach the pocket on The Preacher and finish up this.
Chris Graham (7 October 2007)
Big Slab
You guessed - right again is a ?large? slab.
Boudering39  Springworm 4+ 6b New
Sit start at the bottom of the steep wall on some edges. Reach left to another edge and then unleash the power to reach a generous break. Don't forget to leave some juice for the tricky mantle!
Chris Graham (7 October 2007)