Northumbrian Climbing Guide

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Neb Buttress
Trad  Coex Me Up 17m HVS 5b Unpublished
A contrived line starting 1m to the left of Coe Crag Corner. Climb the wall by means of the small pocket into teh crack of Coe Crag Corner. Step left around the top of the large overhang and then delicately up the slab to finish as for Coe Crag Corner.
Steve Nagy, Jim Pearson (14 August 1993)
Trad  Crack and Chimney 6m S  Unpublished
The first break along the vegetated wall which stands right of Neb Buttreess. Climb first the crack and then the chimney.
Trad  Chimney and Crrack 6m VD  Unpublished
The companion route which starts a short way further right is climbed vice versa.